Features of C++ Programming

C++ programing is modern language this langue is high level language. I. Mother of the computer languages II. Both computer and human readable. III. Highly object oriented IV. Easy to understand V. Portable computer programing You have read C++ language is the mother of all computer programing languages. To learn any computer language you must have the strong concept of the C++ language. C++ is easily readable both human and machine. This is high level language like JAVA,Php and dot net . Main feature of the C++ Programing language is portable language. The main feature of the C++ programming is OOP (object oriented programming) . OOP is a technique of programming language. OOP is highly reusable. You write the code one time and you can use it more than one time. First you define the class and you can include in every program which you need. oop save your time and space .oop also reduce the line of code. When you use oop then cost of software is also reduce Software cost = line of code + working Hour Previous Next Page

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